How to Slash a Rapter Claw
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So you wanna know how to slash a claw, eh???
Well, basically you just shape your finger like a claw and slash. now, i know some of you are saying, "Slow down there buddy and get ahold of your horses that you have let run wild... you think you can learn how to slash a claw that easily?" and you are exactly right. To begin, bend you index finger's middle knuckle to a 90 degree angle, give or take, then bend the last knuckle to a mere 45 degree angle. now you have your basic claw (Does not apply to new wave claw, string claw or any of the other forms of rapter claws). Now that you have your claw, hold it firm and move you arm back and forward swiftly approximately 1.5 feet. i can already hear you..."How are we rapter supposed to know how much 1.5 feet is and does the crazy claw affect our slashing?" The answer to that is measure it or use an estimated 8 claw length. yes the crazy claw does affect it because the crazy claw affects everything. pat yourself on the back for slashing your first rapter claw! Spread the rapter wisdom to all you come in contact with, or one of the t.o.r.c. 4 themselves will slash you with there new wave claw.

  So your left handed? Just because you are left handed, doesen't mean you can't slash a claw. Use the same instructions as earlier...just use your left hand. rapter duh!

basic slash maneuver
  So your interested in the NEW WAVE CLAW??? Sorry the new wave claw is very powerful and it would not be safe or wise on our behalf to spread that to the public. you know what i'm slashing?

  Can the Flu affect my slashing? Yes, it surely can!!! This is a very common question from rapter fans. Any sickness can affect your slashing but it cannot affect the power of the slash because a slash is extremely powerful!!!


Copyrapter 2002